The Hornburg

The Cellars of Hornburg

The Deeps of Aglarond
- Type: Fortress
- Inhabitants: 100% Gondorian (later Rohirrim)
- Population: 1,600
- Origin: Built soon after the War of the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age.
- Purpose: Quarters for a large portion of Gondor's army in Calenardhon; administration and protection of the lands from the Isen Fords to Calenmîr
- Symbol: The White Tree (later the White Horse)
Hornburg was a Rohanese name; most Gondorians referred to the citadel as "Ostiras", the Eorlingas originally knew it as "Súthburg".The fortress consisted of a sturdy tower on a great spur of rock ,with a thick wall stretching from the tower a cross the mouth of the valley.
Places of Note[]

- The Back Stair
- Deeping Coomb
- Coomb Farms
- Coomb Market
- The Streamhouse
- Deeping Road
- The Ramp
- Deeping Stream
- Guardhouse
- Deeping Wall
- The Arch
- Deeping Culvert
- The Ladders
- The Stairs
- Hidden Storage Rooms
- Watch-Tower
- The Glittering Caves
- Central Caves
- Guardroom
- Military Caves
- Dern-Deeper Quarters
- Fastweards Quarters
- Master's Office
- The Mess
- Pens
- Refuge Caverns
- Store-Rooms
- The Deep Caves
- Endoron's Burial Site
- The Horn's End
- The Hours of the Gap
- The Vale's Edge
- Central Caves
- Helm's Deep
- Helm's Dike
- Helm's Gate
- The Mounds
- Mound of the Fallen of Eastfold
- Mound of the Fallen of Westfold
- Mound of the Dunlendings
- The Earth-Down (Death-Down)
- The Mounds
- Helm's Gate
- Helm's Dike
- The Hornrock
- The Horn
- Helm's Deep Settlement
- Bunkhouses
- Forge & Kiln
- Great Hall
- Market
- The North Horn
- The Quarry
- Stables
- Stalls , Pend & Rooms
- Semi-permanent Merchant Stalls
- The South Horn
- Training Ground
- Helm's Deep Settlement
- The Horn
- The Hornrock
- Hornburg
- The Courts
- Inner Courtyard
- Barracks of Helm's Shields
- Blacksmith's Forge
- Inner Wall
- Inner Wall Stairs
- The Kiln
- The Little Gate
- The Stables
- Outer Courtyard
- Battlement Stairs
- The Great Gates
- Marshalling and Drilling Yards
- Outer Wall
- Postern Door
- Store-Rooms
- Water reservoir
- Inner Courtyard
- The Keep (Burg)
- First Level:Barracks
- Second Level:Armoury
- Third Level
- Fourth Level
- Fifth Level
- Sixth Level
- Seventh Level
- The Rear-Gate
- The Courts
- Hornburg
- Trihyrne
- Westfold Road
Ainhelm the Restless Aldor of Hornburg Beodred Breothain Brodwulf Cenbryth Cráwa Cwellanbrand Dáma of Rohan Déorhere Draifend Ealdryhten Éardmer Ecglaf Eiffel Elfdag Endorion Endoron Engereth Éogar Erkenbrand Erkenwald Ermund Esfled Éstgeorn Éstig Etenweard Ethelmund Flamebeard Fulhár Gamling Garamund Grímhelm Gringulf Guma Haethen Helm Hammerhand Hlafwine Hunthor Orin Ormund Sigewulf Stirling Styrnmód Théodwine Théostor Therowan Thurketel Weland Widwine Witulf Wulfgrim
- MERP:Riders of Rohan