The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Hithlum 2

Hithlum (S. "Land of Mist"; Q."Hísilóme") or Aryador was the region bounded on the east and south by Ered Wethrin and on the west by Ered Lómin.


Cirith Ninniach Ered lómin Ered Wethrin Dor-Lomin Grey Plains Hills of Mithrim Lake Ivrin Lake Linaewen Lake Mithrim Marshes of Nevrast Mithrim Nen Lalaith Nevrast

Places of Note[]

Annon-in-Gelydh Aradan's Home Brodda's Hall Caves of Androth Eithel Ivrin Eithel Sirion Feänor's Camp Finarfin's Camp Fingolfin's Camp Fingolfin's House House of Húrin Lorgan's Hall Pass of the Rough Mountains Quarries of the Noldor Watchtowers of Fingolfin



Annael Findobar Fingolfin Fingon Maedhros


Adanel Aerin of Dor-lómin Asgon of Dor-lómin Belemir Brodda the Incomer Dírhaval Finduilas Forweg the Outlaw Galdor of Dor-lómin Gethron of Dor-lómin Gildis Glóredhel of Brethil Grithnir Gundor son of Hador Hador Lórindol Hathol of Dor-lómin Huor of Dor-lómin Húrin Thalion Lorgan Magor son of Malach Malach Aradan Meldis Morwen Eledhwen Nienor Níniel Orchaldor Ragnir the Blind Ragnir the outlaw Rían Sador Labadal Tuor Eladar Túrin Turambar Urwen Lalaith


  • Areandor
  • Ariador
  • Ariodor
  • Ariondor
  • Aryador
  • Hísilómë
  • Hithlû


Read SU51.81.106.108-9.111,116,118-19,121,123.131.143. 151-; UT 17-18.25.57. 59.66-9. 74-5. 78-80.
