The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Boromir: "Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!"
- J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring II:10

Fate of the Ring by breath-art

History, or the Annals of Arda, as recorded and preserved by the Free Peoples of Middle-earth, Aman, and beyond, is the grand chronicle of events shaping the vast world of Arda, woven from the creation of the universe in the Music of the Ainur to the struggles and triumphs of its inhabitants across countless ages. The loremasters of Elves, Men, and Dwarves—and even the rare and reluctant chronicles of Hobbits—testify to a world bound by fate, yet stirred by free will, where the deeds of great heroes, the rise and fall of kingdoms, and the eternal struggle between good and evil leave indelible marks upon the fabric of existence.

Ages of Arda[]

Times beyond Times[]

Before Eä was spoken into being, there was only the thought of Ilúvatar, the Timeless Halls, and the Ainur.

The Days before Days - Ainuindánar[]

The Days of Chaos[]

Eä is made real, but it is empty, unshaped. The Ainur behold the vastness of space.

The Long Struggle[]

The Days of Gloaming - Lomendánar[]

The Ainur who would become the Valar and Maiar enter Arda to shape the world, finding it unformed and chaotic.

The Years of the Lamps - Calaidánar[]

The Valar establish order, raising mighty lamps to illuminate the world.

The Spring of Arda (The First Era of the Lamps)[]

The Spring of Arda, also known as The First Era of the Lamps, began when Melkor was first cast out and the Valar descended to shape the world according to Eru’s vision. During this era, Illuin and Ormal, the two great Lamps, were raised by Aulë, bringing light and warmth to all of Arda. Under their glow, Arda flourished—rivers ran clear, mountains rose, and vast meadows thrived. The Valar built Almaren, their first dwelling, and all creation seemed to sing in harmony. This age of unspoiled beauty ended with the return of Melkor, whose hatred marred the works of the Valar and set in motion their eventual destruction.

The Time of Radiance (The Second Era of the Lamps)[]

The Time of Radiance, also known as The Second Era of the Lamps, began with Melkor's secret return to Arda, bringing corruption into the heart of the flourishing world. Despite the light of Illuin and Ormal, shadows began to creep, and Melkor built his fortress of Utumno. This era was one of hidden strife, where Melkor worked against the Valar’s radiant creation, until he struck and destroyed the Lamps, plunging the world into darkness and ending the era.

The Years of the Stars - Elendánar[]

The Sleep of Yavanna[]

Days of Lamps - Time of Radiance

Arda during the Sleep of Yavanna

The Sleep of Yavanna followed the destruction of the Two Lamps, marking a time of grief for the Valar. The lands of Arda lay in ruin—seas swallowed much of the earth, and the Valar withdrew from Almaren to the west, where they began creating Valinor. Yavanna, mourning what was lost, placed much of her creation into a deep sleep to protect it from Melkor’s growing shadow. The Two Trees of Valinor, Telperion and Laurelin, were planted to bring light to the new realm of the Valar. Meanwhile, Melkor strengthened Utumno, preparing for future defiance. The Sleep of Yavanna was a time of endurance, as Arda held its breath, waiting for the dawn of a new age.

The Years of the Trees - Aldudánar[]

Dawn of Tress (Days of Bliss)[]

Noon of Trees (Chaining of Melkor)[]

Dusk of Trees[]

Long Night[]

The Years of the Sun - Anarindanar[]

The Years of the Sun began with the first sunrise, heralding the awakening of Men, the Secondborn of Ilúvatar and marking a new order in Arda, which lasts to this day.

The First Age (Age of the Jewels)[]

The First Age was the time of the great struggle between Morgoth and the Free Peoples of Middle-earth. It began with the first rising of the Sun and Moon and was defined by the War of the Silmarils, the radiant jewels crafted by Fëanor that held the last light of the Two Trees of Valinor. The mighty realms of Beleriand, including Gondolin, Nargothrond, and Doriath, rose and fell in the wake of the devastating Battles of Beleriand, and the final War of Wrath, in which the Host of the Valar overthrew Morgoth and cast him into the Void. Though the Dark Lord was defeated, the world was reshaped, and Beleriand was lost beneath the sea, marking the end of this heroic age.

The Second Age (Age of the Rings)[]

The Second Age spanned 3,441 years, beginning with the aftermath of Morgoth's defeat. It was an age of empire and ambition, defined by the rise of Númenor, the forging of the Rings of Power, and the return of Sauron. Númenor, the greatest realm of Men, grew in might but fell to corruption under the sway of Sauron, leading to its destruction in the Downfall of Númenor. The age ended with the Last Alliance of Elves and Men, in which Sauron was defeated, though the One Ring was not destroyed.

The Third Age (Age of Declining)[]

The Third Age is remembered as the time of the fading of the Elves and the dominance of Men. It culminated in the War of the Ring, the final destruction of the One Ring in the fires of Mount Doom, and the downfall of Sauron.

The Fourth Age (Age of Men)[]

The Fourth Age marked the beginning of the Dominion of Men. The Elves departed across the Sea to Valinor, and Middle-earth saw the restoration of kingdoms such as Gondor and Arnor under the rule of the heirs of Elendil.

The Fifth Age (The Forgotten Years)[]

The Fifth Age began after the collapse of the Reunited Kingdom and the withdrawal of the Elves and other Free Peoples from the world. It was a time of decline and division, as the remnants of Númenórean culture fragmented into isolated realms, and new empires of Men rose in their place. The Dwarves retreated into deeper halls, Hobbits faded into legend, and the Valar remained silent. This age ended with the Great Flood, a cataclysmic event that reshaped the lands of Middle-earth and erased much of its history.

The Sixth Age[]

The Sixth Age followed the devastation of the Great Flood, marking a period of renewal and transformation. Men spread across the world, forming the first great civilizations based on fragments of Dúnedain memory and new innovations. The Elves vanished entirely into myth, while the Dwarves, diminished in number, became isolated artisans. This age saw the rise of proto-historical cultures and ended with the Industrial Revolution and the global conflicts that shattered the old ways, setting the stage for modern history.

The Seventh Age[]

The Seventh Age, known as the modern era, is the world as it exists today. Beginning after the global conflicts of the Sixth Age, it is marked by rapid technological progress, the rise of nation-states, and the fading of the mythical past. The Elves, Dwarves, and all remnants of the Elder Days exist only in memory and legend, while Men dominate the earth. This age continues into the present, its ending unknown, though some prophecies whisper of a final reckoning yet to come.

The Final Days[]

The Final Days, also known as the Last Age is a prophesied era that will come at the very end of Arda’s history. It is said that when all memory of the Elder Days has faded, and when the light of the world grows dim, the long-foretold Dagor Dagorath, the final battle, shall begin.

Dagor Dagorath[]

The End and Rebirth[]

Second Music of Ainur[]



Regional Timelines[]
