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The New Notion Club Archives

Hirluin the fair

A Dunadan Warrior, Hirluin the Fair was Lord of Pinnath Gelin (S. "Green Ridges") and the most powerful figure residing in Gondor's westernmost regions (the area west of the River Morthond). Married to a beautiful Silvan elf named Handiriel of Edhellond, Hirluin was the father of two half-elven sons (one choosing to be mortal and one choosing to be immortal), and had also had a daughter named Nauriel, for which she would also have a son named Thorongil. As the War of the Ring continued to progress, Hirluin led a force of 300 green-clad Men-at-arms to the defense of Minas Tirith in T.A. 3019. He was killed on the fields of Pelennor.



  • MERP:The Mannish Races