The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The Mountains of the Wind with the Murmenalda in the First Age


Hildórien (S.: "Land of the Followers"; Av."Khilindôro"; Ad."Hînzayan"), the "Land of the Followers," was the birthplace of Men (Hildor) in the First Age. Later mostly submerged beneath the Gulf of Hildórien, it lay southwest of Cuiviénen, in a valley of the Mountains of the Wind. Chyan lay to the west.

Persons of note[]

Dwarves: Khazi


Men:Aroch Artsír Âsriël Cantapher Cintapher Dúar Elmir Erén Ermon Father Urd Hethron Hormur Indrû Khorazir Mïlle Môrazra Sinuphel Sulam Tiliwini Ucin UdûnphelUlaphel Ulcham Uráth


Bablon Eastern Gardens Edenâ First Temple Murmenalda Ninwi


  • Tolkien mentioned in a footnote that "Men awoke in mesopotamia", this may hint at the possibility that Hildorien corresponded to the Area of Mesopotamia or the Region equated to it on his earliest sketches of Arda.


The Wild Lands South and East, Gazetteer by Pete Fenlon (archived, latest available)
