Hil Fferid Peasant with his son
The Hil Fferid (Dn."Ankle-Folk") were a small tribe inhabiting the rural area close to the Eryn Vorn. They were the descendants of Daen Lintis who had come early under the influence of Dúnadan culture and had evolved into a small but prosperous agricultural people that had loose contact with the reclusive Mebden and was in severe competition with the aggressive Saerlanners, whom they called Bocs (Dn."Goats"). Their main settlement was the town Bore-Lled.
In The Lord of The Rings Books[]
In the Lord of the Rings Books, it is stated that no men had settled dwellings so far west or within a hundred leagues of the Shire. On the other hand, it is stated in the Lord of the Rings that the Hobbits of the Southfarthing had troubles with men, indicating men near the southern borders of the Shire, probably along the Baranduin. This might either indicate that these men who lived south of the Shire might have been either nomads, or at least that their settlements were small, thinly populated or instable in comparison to Breeland and the Shire.
Original form in MERP:Siol Speriang
The name "Siol Speriang" seems to be derived from gaelic "Siol Sperióg", the welsh (or latinized welsh) Version of this could be "Hil Gualchglas" or "Hil Fferid", though perhaps the name should be treated as an untranslated form from the Daen language.