The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The High Pass detail, eastern half (MERP)

This double pass over the Misty Mountains connected the headwaters of the river Bruinen and the Vale of Anduin. Its formal title was the Cirith Forn en Andrath (S. “Long-climbing Pass of the North”), also Pass of Imladris or simply the High Pass (S. “Doncirith”). The route itself was quite ancient. The lower of the two passes had been cleared for cart traffic in the early Second Age by Dwarves of Durin's City. The higher had been opened up by Arnorian engineers in the early Third Age. It was normally used only when the Goblins of Goblin-town, which was directly under the mountains to the north, harassed traffic on the lower, safer route.

There seemed to be many ways and passes around Rivendell and Goblin-town, but most were "cheats and deceptions") the High pass and the lower pass were the only passes to lead over the mountains actually.


While there were only two passes above Rivendell there certainly were more passes over the Misty mountains at other places, certainly Redhorn Gate and the Gap of Rohan and , often forgotten, the Gladden pass.Other possible locations for passes are in the Mountains of Angmar and possibly above Fangorn Forest.

MERP shows the passes of Angmar at Aes Ruin and Angirith and the Gladden pass, which looks difficulty to access from the west.It does not show an actual pass above Fangorn.



  • MERP #2005: Arnor
  • MERP #8070: Goblin-gate and Eagle’s Eyrie