The High-Men of Middle-earth were those men who had been pupils and allies of the Eldar and had become heavily influenced by Elven culture and were thus considered more civilized than the common Wild Men, Middle-Men or Men of Darkness.
The Edain and their Númenórean descendants considered themselves High Men, as did the Númenórean descendants the Dúnedain of the North and Dúnedain of the South, their Gondorian and Arnorian descendants and the Black Númenóreans and their successor cultures.
In the Farthest East, the Avatani and their Wômaw descendants claimed a much similar status for themselves, having been early pupils of the Avari of Cuivienen as well as disciples of the dragon Utumkôdur, although they were indeed long lost and forgottes kinsmen of the Edain (especially those of the House Beor) they were regardless seen as Men of Darkness by their distant Númenórean cousins, being far removed from their western kinsmen in appearance and language.