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The New Notion Club Archives

Herumor was the supposed leader of a secret cult that worshiped the deeds and actions of evil. It is unknown if Herumor was actually a man, most likely he was, or perhaps he was in man-form and possessed a demonic spirit. Herumor's name translation actually indicated "Dark Lord" so the fact that he would be the main enemy of the Free Peoples is imminent.

It is unknown where Herumor came from, but his cult might have been from the East--a place where Morgoth left his servants and Morgoth's black temple may have still resided there. Another possibility is that Herumor was from Harad, and like his predecessor, bore the name Herumor.

See also[]


Herumor's name was only briefly mentioned in the unfinished sequel to Lord of the Rings, The New Shadow.It has been speculated that Herumor was Morgoth, Sauron, referred to Herumor Windsword as a kind of Dark Prophet or more likely the leader of a Dark cult in which Saelon was somehow involved or knew about.

It also seems a strange choice to have "Herumor" as a Quenya name.Quenya was not spoken among Black Númenóreans or in the East, but it had been used among gondorian and early arnorian High Nobility though later Sindarin became more common.Who ever deliberately chose the name "Herumor" must have wanted Quenya-speakers to understand it and it's full implications, and there were few actual of these left.Or maybe the name was chosen by people whose knowledge of the elven languages themselves was only desultory and pretentious and illustrates man's short memory in general.
