The Hidden Valley

forbidden valley and surroundings
Henneth Annûn (S. "Window of the Sunset"). One of the secret refuges built by Gondor in Northern Ithilien in the later years of the Third Age after it became clear that Gondor could no longer control the province, this was a complex of natural caves and passages hidden behind a waterfall.
In the early fourth Age, when Prince Legolas II Greenleaf led a company of Wood-elves to found a small elvish colony in Taurithilien, Henneth Annûn became an elven refuge and the colony's chief settlement and seat of it's Lord.
- Ascarwing
- Forbidden Pool
- Hidden Valley
Forbidden vale Places of Note[]
Anborn Damrod Dornach Ereblen Faramir of Ithilien Hethradir Holrung Laeglaw Mablung Madril Milgamel Rhadrog Thurindol Tordoron