The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

A chain Hauberk

Mail was used throughout Middle-Earth by most cultures, Elves, Orcs, Men and Dwarves, but Dwarves possibly were to be credited with the first invention of this kind of armor.Especially the Broadbeams and later their descendants, the Dwarves of the Iron Hills were famous for their metal mesh armour, a variety of chainmail which was of such an exquisite fineness that it was suitable for flexible items like leg-coverings (chausses or mail -leggings).

A shirt of mail was often called a Hauberk, especially the longer variant reaching at least to mid-thigh and including sleeves, while the smaller variant was often called a Haubergeon or little hauberk or Byrnie.A more primitive version of chainmail, like those worn by the Orcs, was sometimes known as Ringmail (not to be confused with Ring armour, that is, armour made of metal rings attached to a leather or textile foundation garment).

Well made mail was a suitable protection against cuts and stitches and hard to penetrate even by most common spears or arrowheads of good making, though some few of magical quality made by the dwarves and Eldar were reported to have achieved that.However mail did not protect against concussion hits, though some of the finest magical dwarven armour was reported to have had a will on it's own and the rings so fine they would interlink into a rigid, hard mesh that acted as if it was Plate Armor and would withstand powerful blows as well.
