The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Hathal was a girl of the Woodmen of Taeglin and the daughter of Larnach of Brethil, a man held in high esteem by his tribe.Both Forweg the Outlaw and Andróg of Dor-lómin lusted for Hathal , as well as for revenge on her father Larnach who had set prices on "wolf-heads", but when the men finally caught Hathal alone in the forests and chased her, out of a sudden Túrin Turambar appeared and accidentally killed the first of her assaulters, mistaking him for an Orc.Although Turin saved Hathal from Androg, he neverthless did not take his life and follow her to larnach's Home, as Hathal had proposed, but chose to send her back home alone and stay among his outlaw band.


Hathal's name is fanfic.In the legendarium she remains a nameless character.
