Hargrog the tall
Hargrog was the tall, 450 pound Half-troll Lord of Southern Slayers. Descended from Othour IV of Khand (T. T.A. 1300-1333), he appeared in the South of Endor around T.A. 1400. Between T.A. 1400 and 1414 he assassinated virtually half of the leaders among the peoples of Usakan and Mumakan. He formed the (Southern) Slayers in T.A. 1633, who operated from his citadel at the tower of Mindo Hargrog in the bamboo forests on the eastern side of the Yellow Mountains.
- MERP:Lords of Middle-earth Vol III: Hobbits, Dwarves, Ents, Orcs & Trolls
- MERP:Shadow in the South
- MERP:Treasures of Middle-Earth