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The New Notion Club Archives

Halethrin or Halethian (Hal.) was an adanic dialect spoken by the House of Haleth. It was removed from the western dialects of the House of Beor and House of Hador and closely related to the Daenael tongues of Enedhwaith and Gondor.Some Loremasters used the term "halethian" for the entire language-family, which included the tongue of the house of Haleth as well as the pre-númenórean daen-dialects and related languages.

Known words[]

  • -a - of, from
  • Bar - man
  • Bor - stone
  • Dar -mastery, lordship
  • -eth - woman, female ending
  • Hal -head, chief
  • Hal(a) -watch, guard
  • Halad - warden (pl. haladin)
  • Halbar - chieftain
  • Haldad - watchdog
  • Hareth - high-woman
  • Har - high, exalted
  • -in - host, People (pl-ending)
  • nothlir (?) - house, family
  • Obel - Town
  • Tûr - Hill, Mound


  • Agathor
  • Arachon (?)
  • Avranc
  • Barach
  • Beldis (?)
  • Darlas
  • Darlos
  • Daruin
  • Dorlas
  • Ebor
  • Enthor
  • Faranc
  • Farang (?)
  • Forhend
  • Galhir
  • Haldan
  • Haldar
  • Haldir (?)
  • Haleth
  • Harathor
  • Hardan (?)
  • Hardang (?)
  • Hundad
  • Hundar
  • Hundor
  • Hunleth
  • Hunthor
  • Iarnach
  • Larnach
  • Manthor
  • Meleth (?)
  • Sagroth
  • Taranc
  • Tarang

It is not entirely clear which names of the men of the house of Haleth are actual Halethian.Some names, including Brandir, Dairuin, Glirhuin, Haldir, Halmir, Handir, Hathol, Hiril, Hundor, Huor, Hurin or Túrin are variously stated to be Noldorin-Sindarin/Goldogrin or Ilkorin/Nandorin in origin, but at least some may represent mixed forms or edainic names formally adjusted to Sindarin spelling and word formation. The Name Boromir is once stated to represent such a mixed form.


-in - host, People (pl-ending) -a - of, from -ed - verb ending -eth - woman, female ending A- long Ach-mighty Ad- rage Adorn- Aer- lofty Afi - a, in Ag- strong Aga -sharp Agal- growing Agald-respected Agaldor- Agar- great field Agathor- Ail - dream Ailm - to Al-star Ald- helm Aldor- Ame - i, me An- light Anc-before Ang- war Anis - name Anis - name Ar- rule Ara - holy Arachon - Arg-big Argan-big light Arm- battle Armon - nomad-leader Arn- valley Arna - the Arna - to the Arna-renem ailm Hin naleg huint. (The Dreams are the window to the soul.) Arna-renem ailmin Hin naleg huint. (The Dreams are the window to the soul.) Arnach- mighty valley As- powerful Athor-worship Av- father Avranc- bitter father Aw-and Ba- life Badaf - come Balûd - wound Bar - man Barach-mighty man Bel-bright? Beld- weak Beldis -bright woman Belg- many Belgod- bright voice Ben- speak Benish - citadel Benish Armon- citadel of the nomad-chief Bohun - are bohun tach pim? (Who are you?) Bor - stone Bran- storm Brand- smith Brandir-firesmith Bul- word Buld- free Bulda- cave Buldar- word-master Ca- to Chanwa - love Chon- heart Da- out Dad-dog Dai- large Dair- high Dairu- understand Dairuin - high spirit Dan- mind Dang- friend, guest Dar -mastery, lordship Darl-lead Darlas-firemaster Darlos-divided rule Daru- strength Daruin-mist-ruler Dir- spirit Dis-woman? Don- dark Dor- old Dorl- region Dorlas- old fire Dorn- river Dul- valley Dur-marsh Dur-nor-Belgod- marsh of the bright voice E- first, one Eb-sad Ebor-first stone Ech- water Edon-home Eg-small, minor Ei-soul Eil-fast Eile-steep Eilen- mountain Eilena- beauty Eilenach-mighty mountain Eilenaer-lofty mountain El- light Elas-strong Elg-great Elgod-holy Elm-green En-move, run Enach- gift Enaer- eye Ensemed - conquers Ent-time, age Enth-knowledge, lore Enthor- earth-lore Er- honor Ere -respect Erech-water of worship Erel-face Erelas-mighty face Fa-tree Far-wide Faranc-sour tree Farang -wide war Fili - my For-wood Forg -yellow Forgo- wheat, straw Forgoil- strawheads Forhend-wood-pity Forl- path Forlong-wood-time Fre- end Frec- devour Freca-eater Gal- power, magic Galdor-old magic Galhir-know magic Gan-grow Gar - field Gleirir - bright Gleirir - shine Gli- glitter, bright Glir- light Glirhu- fast, nimble Glirhuin-safe light Go-hilleg - people of the seas Go-people, men God-above Goil- heads Gor-strong Gorb- bird Gorbel- dove Gorbelgod- strong bright voice Groth-wide Gru- big, mass Ha-agree Hal -head, chief Hal(a) -watch, guard Halad - warden (pl. haladin) Haladin-wardens, warden-people Halb-part Halbar - watchful man, chieftain Hald- save Haldad - watchdog Haldan- watchful spirit Haldar- watch-master Haldir - watch-spirit Haleth- watch-woman Halm- slender, straight Halmir- straight way Han-together Hand-act Handir-together-spirit Har - high, exalted Hara-dark Harathor-dark body Hard-rock Hardan - high mind Hardang - high friend Hareth - high-woman Harum - all Harum-balûdin Hin nisham. (The Time heals all wounds.) harum-ensemed chanwa. (Love conquers all ) Hat-authority Hath- pride Hathol-severe pride Haz-danger Hazad- dangerous rage Hend- pity Hi- were Hil - the Hil-clear Hill-water Hin - the Hir- know Hiril -known-thought Hlir- plain Hol- all Hor- border Hu- being Huin-safe Huint - are Hun-trustworthy, steadfast? Hund- loyal, comrade Hundad- trustworthy dog Hundar- trustworthy mastery Hundor- old mastery Hunleth- steadfast woman Hunt- eye Hunth- tribe Hunthor- steadfadt body Huor-earth-being Hur- fast, quick Hurin anis fili hut. (My name is Hurin.) Hurin- bird-being Hut - is Hut -to be Iar- far Iarn- south Iarnach- far place Il-think In- for Ir- way Iruin-dance Is-female, girl Ish- heat Ishma- listen Ishmal- wisdom Ishmalog- slow heat Lam- weak Lame- barren Lamed- still Lamedon- silent person Lang-height Lar-echo Larn- entire Larnach- echo-place Las- fire Leg- run Len-in Len-saduch badaf ame. (I come in peace) Len/wal-nila hil Hin nechin gleirir mazel. (The stars shine bright in the night) Lenaer-hope Leth-female, sister Lf - ending Lir- pure Log- memory Long- time Los-divide Malog- slow Man- thing Mant- cover Manth- milk, white Manthor- white earth Mar-flat Mazel - bright, shine Me-creatur Mel-love? Meleth - loved-one Merech - rises Min Rimmon- lesser wooded Min- lesser Mir- see Mirûn - east Mo-day Mog- speak Mogru-head speaker Mon- herd Nach- place Naer-walk Naleg - window Nech - star Nechen  - star Nila - night Nisham - heals or time Nor- about, on Not-many Noth-tear nothlir (?) - house, family O- begin Ob- build Obel - Town Obel Halad - town of the watcher Od- secret Og- boy Oil- crew, group of boys Ol- severe On - person Ong- stretch Or- earth Orn- beautyful Os- body Pim - who Pim - you Rach- animal, beast Ranc-sour Rang- more Renem - soul Rhuin-silence Ri-ish-malog- Ri-moor Ril- very Rim- danger, peril Rimm-gate Rimmon- wooded Rin-bird Rish - fire Rishma -glance Rishmalog- slow fire Roth- lake Ru- head Ruin-shadow Sa- wise Saduch - peace Sag- look, search Sagroth-wise-strong Sheil - sun Ta- she Tach - who or you Tal- memory Tal-elmar- memory of Elmar Tar-blade Taranc - before the blade Tarang - free-holder Tarl- story Tarlang- war-story Thol- fist Thor - body Tú- walk Tûr - Hill, Mound Tûr Haretha - hill of the high woman Túr-rise Túrin- walking bird U- deep Ud-hidden Udul- deep cleft Uin-mist Ul- cleft Ulf-oath Wal - in, in the wal/len-mirûn afi hin sheil merech. (A sun rises in the east.) Wu-wind Wul-fire Wulf- heir Zad-divide

Hin - the, pl.

Cheh - what Tew - has Geim - with Der- make, do

One- "E" Two - "Dol" Three - "Tol" Four - "Morn" Five - "Pil" Six- "Lor" Seven - "Fer" Eight - "Bal" Nine - "Gur" Ten - "Hen"

  • "Hil risha-ramadh hil halad dared." "The Watchman masters the fire of the flickering flame."
  • " Hil gormoga agalded hil agon." - "The strong respect the voice of the mighty."
  • "Renemina moged hil mog." - "The voice speaks of dreams."
  • "Halin ared achgal aw halaed." - "Mighty magic and watchful guardians rule."
  • "Enaera Hin monona Hin dorlas" - "The old fire of the nomad's eye."

 *"Hin Eilenaera gleirired  Hin maloglas." - "The slow fire of the lofty mountain shines."

  • " Hil halain lasa moged hil acheilen" - "The strong mountain speaks of the guardians of fire."
  • "hil las hil aerin dared hil mog hil eilena" "The voice of the mountain masters the fire of the lofty."
  • "hil dar hil lasa aglared hil hala hil wua" "The shining respects the mastery of the flame."
  • "hil eilena agalded hil mog hil ora-a" "The voice of the earth respects the beauty."
  • "Hil ir halbara moged hil ageilen, hil gleirira agalded." - "The strong mountain speaks of the watchman's fire, respecting the shining."
  • "Cheh geim dered hil mela?" - "Whats love got to do with it?"


The use of "Hal" and "Har" to indicate importance is similar to Irish Gaelic, suggesting that perhaps the Halethrin tongue is based upon Celtic languages, and given its apparent relation to Daen and Beleriand Easterling languages, some of what also seem somewhat Celtic, it makes sense. Perhaps the Arrónai were speakers of Indo-European languages that fell under the Satem category in general, or at least ones who spoke languages similar to Celtic tongues.

