Lady Haleth Halad (Hal."Female Guardian"), First
Lord of the Second House of the Edain (the Haladin), was
the daughter of Haldad. Haldad died in the
great Orc-raid that served to unite his beleaguered and disunited
kinsmen. Haldar, Haleth's older brother and Haldad's heir, was
also slain by Orcs, falling while attempting to defend Haldad's
body. Thus, Haleth succeeded her father. Proud and strong, she
refused the protection of Caranthir's Elves, instead opting to unite
the survivors of the Second House and move her people to safer
lands. The tribe concurred and gathered under her banner, making
Haleth their first Lord. Then, the people of the Second House
migrated out of southern Thargelion and into Estolad. After a brief
stay they moved again, heading north then west, through Nan Dungortheb to Talath Dirnen, and finally into the Forest of Brethil.
The Haladin received leave to settle the wooded realm in return for
an obligation to protect the Crossings of Teiglin. Although Haleth
died relatively soon thereafter, her folk remained united long after
her passing, and they remained the Haladin, or People of Haleth.
Because she never wed and remained childless, however, her
nephew Haldan succeed her as Lord.
- Spear of the Halad - dwarven bronze-spear refitted as a sceptre.
- Mantle of the Huntress - (made of the pelt of Cat Demons)