Haldir (F.A. 420 - 488) was the the eldest son of Orodreth, and the older sibling of Gil-Galad and Finduilas. While his childhood is little-known, it is accounted that in young adulthood, he was trapped and hung to a tree by Orcs.
- The name Haldir was changed from Halmir in the later stages of the writing.
- Haldir could have been a missing link as an ancestor of Gildor Inglorion, if he already had fathered a child, possibly Gildors grandmother, at an by elven standards uncommon young age.
Other Names[]
- Orodlin (also possibly a predecessor of Gil-Galad)
- J.R.R. Tolkien, Christopher Tolkien (ed.), The Lost Road and Other Writings, "Part Two: Valinor and Middle-earth before The Lord of the Rings, III. The Later Annals of Beleriand"