A Dúnadan from northern Eriador, Halbarad the Hard-handed led the unit of Rangers of the North called the Grey Company. He aided Aragorn II in Rohan before and during the War of the Ring. In T.A. 3019, he followed Aragorn through the Paths of the Dead, Lamedon, and Lebennin, to Pelargir, where he helped seize the Haradrian fleet. He later fought and died in the Battle of Pelennor Fields. There, he served until the end as Aragorn's standard-bearer.
- Father: Halbaron/Halbaleg
- Mother: Evonyn/Nelaer
- Sibling(s): Maia, Braigiar, Hardorn
- Spouse: Elanna/Felaleof/Eirien
- Children: Alagos/Dolbarad/Halbaron II, Hamilcar