The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Court of an Haeranadan Petty King

The Haeranedain (S. "Far-wandering Edain", sing. Haeranadan) were Rhudaurians of Númenórean descent; most were actually mix-blooded Tarkils.

Most Rhudaurian Dúnedain belonged to one of seven greater noble houses of Hiri: House Amrothar, House Eldanar, House Enedil, House Melosse, House Mithlad, House Rhudainor, and House Rómentir.


The Haeranedain were a bit smaller and darker than the high Dúnedain, although 6 ft for men was not uncommon.

In daily life, most had adopted clothes much similar to those of the indigenous Hillmen, the Kailth, a skirt or kilt, and the Kullodoo.


The Haeranedain were ruled by Airain or petty kings and Tergain or hereditary lords, the Híri. Serfdom was also common, although most serfs were actually debt-slaves (Du. Wealli).

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