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Húrin the Tall
Húrin the Tall
Vital statistics
Other name(s) Húrin the Tall
Title(s) Warden of Keys
Gender M
Race Dúnedain of the South
Faction(s) Gondor
Dates active Late Third Age (War of the Ring)
Location(s) Gondor: Belfalas, Lossarnach, Minas Tirith
Language(s) Sindarin, Westron
Child(ren) Morwen, Túrin III

Húrin III, also known as Húrin the Tall, was a man who hailed from Belfalas and was known to be direct descendant of Húrin I. Carrying his Dúnedain heritage like every member of his family, Húrin was 20 years old when his daughter Morwen was born. He would later earn his title as Warden of Keys when he traveled to Minas Tirith while his family remained in Lossarnach during the Third Age. When the Army of Gondor left Pelennor and marched towards the Morannon and their final confrontation with Sauron's minions, Húrin was entrusted with the command of the great city.



  • MERP #8003: Lords of Middle-Earth - Vol II - The Mannish Races