The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Men of Guldur

The Guldur-men (S."Guldurrim") were the mannish population of the Dor Guldur. Most of them were either Herimundi-Northmen or Balchoth-Easterlings, but a few, especially among the higher ranks of the Guldur Sorcerers, were emissaries of the Variags or Black Númenóreans. While the Gramuz and Balchoth of the plains had kept their own traditions, the men living in Dol Guldur had developed a quite unique culture of their own which was dominated by the dark Cult of the Necromancer, and the barbarous influence of the Orcs who lived side by side with these men. The Guldurim spoke a harsh dialect of Westron that had many loanwords from Pultic and Orcish as well as the Black Speech.

