The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

The Grolms were a strange race of diminuitive men native to the lands of Rhûn and Central Middle-earth.They were looked down upon by the easterlings as greedy and deceptive and made their living as impoverished barterers and peddlars mostly.Some Loremasters suggested them to be of distant Halfling-kind but degenerate due to the Shadow, others however belived them to have no small traces of goblin-blood.They were however not an aggressive or warlike folk but rather sad and frail and posed a threat to nobody, why the other easterlings grudgingly accepted them, even if they did not pay them much of hospitality.



The Grolms were adapted from The Dark Eye as a random encounter and integrated into the setting of Rhûrandir's Journey.They are in part inspired by Gollum, the Petty-dwarves and the possibility what may have become of the Hobbits had the enslavement of the Shire been successful.
