The Great Lands (Q."i Nori Landar") often referred to the lands between the seas of east and west and could, if geographically understood, denote the ancient supercontinent that had encompassed both Middle-Earth and Southernesse, but it often referred to Middle-Earth or even the world, Earth (Q."Cemen")) in sense of "the land of man". It was connected to the Outer Lands by strange paths, the Olórë mallë and within them Elves were subject to fading. Tol Eressëa was considered to be part of neither the Great lands nor outer lands.
From Beleriandic view Great Lands of the East could refer to the lands and great isles of the east where Wild Elves and Wild Men had acknowledged Melkor as god and king.
Tolkien still used the archaic Quenya spelling "Kemen".