Hidden City of Gondolin

Gondolin (S. "The Hidden Rock"), originally Ondolindë (Q."Stone Song") was the secret city of King Turgon surrounded by the Echoriad. Destroyed by Morgoth..It was Called the Hidden City, the Hidden Kingdom and the Hidden Realm.
Places of Note[]
- Crissaegrim
- Pass of Anach
- Cirith Thoronath
- Idril's secret way
- Cristhorn
- Eagle's Eyrie
- Echoriad
- Eithel Ninui
- Fingolfin's Mound
- Glorfindel's Grave
- Gurthrond
- Mines of Anghabar
- Orfalch Echor
- Dry River
- Hidden Way
- Gate of Wood
- Gate of Stone
- Gate of Bronze
- Gate of Writhen Iron
- Gate of Silver
- Gate of Gold
- Gate of Steel
Valley of Tumladen
- Amon Gwared
- City of Gondolin

- Alley of Roses
- Arch of Ingwë
- Caragdûr
- Fountains of the South
- Arda Valarwa
- Gar Ainon
- Great Gate
- Great Market
- Heavenly Arc
- House of the Fountain
- House of the Golden Flower
- House of the Hammer of Wrath
- House of the King
- House of the Mole
- House of the Pillar
- House of the Tower of Snow
- Tower of Snow
- House of the Tree
- House of the White Wing
- House of Tuor and Idril
- Houses of Healing
- King's Alley
- Place of the Fountain
- Glingal and Belthil
- Lesser Market
- Maeglin's House
- Main Gate
- North Gate
- Northern Barracks
- Palace
- Turgon's Gardens
- Tower of the King
- Road of Arches
- Road of Pomps
- Southern Barracks
- Square of the Folkwell
- Way of Running Waters
- White Stairs
- White Walls
- Taleg Uthwen
Alacien Aranwë Aredhel Celebrimbor Duilin Earendil Ecthelion Egalmoth of the Heavenly Arch Elemmakil Enerdhil Galdor Glorfindel Hendor Idril Celebrindal Ilfrin Legolas Maeglin Meleth Pengolodh Penlodh Rôg Salgant Teithril Thorondor Tuor Turgon Voronwe
Read LotRl 319; Sil 60.107.125-6. 131-2,134-6,138-9.154. 158-60.182.189-,205.227-8.239 A4.247.249,254. 261; UT51-6,63,66,,316-17.