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The New Notion Club Archives

Goldberry the riverdaughter

Goldberry was a Water Spirit, and therefore a servant of Ulmo. The enchanted daughter of the River-woman Withywindle, she was of the essence akin to (albeit lesser than) the Maia Uinen. Her golden hair, gently musical voice, free spirit, and lithe form endoedw her with an aura of beautiful innocence. Flowers adorned her misty, trans- lucent rainment, belying her inner power. The only clues to her strength and origin were subtle or beyond notice: the way she ran like the wind, or danced on the water, or slept in hollows beneath cold pools. Goldberry s presence in Middle-earth was tied to the extremely ancient woodland of the Old Forest, a remnant of the woods that had once covered most of Eriador and Rhovanion as early as the beginning of history. Her spouse—Tom Bombadil— was the first (and therefore oldest) resident of Middle-earth; her mother—the mysterious River-woman—was the very essence of the River Withywindle, the ageless stream that knifed through the dark reaches of the Old Forest. In a sense, then, Goldberry was a child of Uinen, and she was a fitting wife for Master Tom.


  • Water-form— Goldberry can breathe with equal easein water or in air. Freshwater animals will not attack her.
  • Inspires Devotion—  The plant's within Goldberry's garden will dance to her voice, the Animated Trees edging her favorite streams will become animated and defend her in the event of danger.
  • Languages — Goldberry speaks 30 languages. Her mother tongue is Valarin, but she typically speaks Westron or Sindarin.


  • Household Items— Goldberry's household and her favorite resting places in the forest are filled with small, enchanted items that are tied to her personality and subject to her will; her loom will operate by itself. She has given gifts of this sort to mortals on occassion. One friend of Goldberry's an herbalist of the Marish, owns a silver basin that fills with water of any purity and temperature at need, allowing her to prepare medicines in a fraction of the normal time. 
  • Weapon Conjuration— Goldberry will use magic first in combat; she will conjure up a weapon out of natural substances around her if need be. She can do this four times a day and creates a holy weapon, usually a quarterstaff or a club
  • blue brooch
  • fish-scale shoes
  • golden belt
  • Green gown
  • silver raiment
  • vessels of green and white earthenware
  • white girdle


  • MERP:Lords of Middle-earth Vol I: The Immortals
  • MERP: The Shire