The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Goehel (S."Daughter of Wrath") was a female cold-drake.She was the mate of Balcheneb and mother to Agburanar.She was slain by Laratudíra, third high-chieftain of the Lossoth shortly after she had given birth to Agburanar who survived by being trapped by a glacier.


Original form in MERP:Gaiyiel

The Other Hands article proposes Old Norse "Ógnardottir."

According to MERP "Gaiyiel" was a first Age Dragon who had survived the War of Wrath and gave birth to Agburanar prior to the Drowning of Númenor, which seems highly unlikely and in possible conflict with the legendarium.So for sake of continuity "Gaiyiel" was effectively split intwo, a first age dragon "Orothiel" and a Third Age dragon "Goehel",descendant of the first.

