The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Gobel Tolfalas (S."Town of Tolfalas") was the seat of Tolfalas' royal warden and the island's principal settlement. Gobel Tolfalas was located at the end of the long firth on the southeastern end of the island, and possessed a haven capable of harboring war- ships. The small town centered around the haven, nestled at the foot of a ridge of Hills running parallel to the eastern side of the firth. Above the town, on the slopes of this ridge, stood the small keep and residence of the warden.

Like many settlements west and south of Ethir Anduin, Gobel Tolfalas had its origin in the time of the Ship-kings. Then a domain of the Prince of Belfalas, the island became a central focus for Tarannon Falastur's military ventures as Captain of the Hosts. In order to lend his assistance to this enterprise, Prince Lothirion bestowed the island upon Eärnil I of Gondor,one of his three sons, who was a trusted ally in war of Tarannon.Eärnil caused the building of the haven and fortifications—then called Lond Tolfalas—in T.A. 759, and invited the Captain of Hosts to make it his primary naval base for the impending conflict with Umbar over the concrol of the newly-constituted province of Harondor.

As a civilian settlement, Gobel Tolfalas proper began to emerge after Mirlond also became a township in T-A. 830, and the focus of the naval conflict with Umbar had shifted southwards. Although never destined to become a true town (due primarily to its physical isolation), the village that sprang up along the banks of the firth was to achieve importance as a resting point for vessels of all sorts that sailed the waters between Umbar and southern Gondor.

Gobel Tolfalas was abandoned in T.A. 1478, due to the depredations of the pirate Castamaite. In T.A.1479, the haven and its fortifications were demolished by the Captain of Ships so that they could hot be used as a staging point for Corsair raids. Gobel Tolfalas was re-established after Umbar was captured in T.A. 1810. Though abandoned by the civilian population in T.A. 2050, when Mardil the Steward reorganized the realm, the harbor Continued to Serve as a fortified base for Gondorian ships patrolling the Bay of Belfalas east of the island. Shortly after Barad Harn fell to the Harûze in T.A.2471, Gobel Tolfalas was abandoned and the harbor fortifications were dismantled. For the remainder of the Third Age, the ruins were used as a temporary camp by the Corsairs of Umbar and the Harûze of Harondor's coast when they raided Gondor. Despite their regular usage of the site, neither established a permanent settlement. The town was wholly restored only under Prince Imrahil of Dol Amroth in F.A. 52, when the island reverted to Belfalas' control.


  • MERP:Southern Gondor - The Land