Goats (Q. Naico; S. Naeag; PQ. Nayak; Tel. Nayako; Ad. Kuzî, Ans. Kuzan; Kh. Rûzun) are a hardy source of sustenance. Though more temperamental then sheep, they are less aggressive than pigs and can eat almost anything that grows; they are often set to graze on downlands where sheep and cattle would starve. Goats smell worse than sheep, of course, even by farmer's standards; their distinctive, aromatic milk and cheeses are most enjoyed by consumers who live a good distance from the source.
- Goats (Q."Nyéner")
- Easterling Goats
- Blue Sheep
- Domestic Goats
- Fleet-footed Goats
- Nimblefoot-Goats
- Plains-goats
- Spotted field goats
- Terom,Tergen and Huthu
- Goat-Steeds
- Koza
- Musk-oxen
- Wild Goats of the Westlands
- Chamois
- Mountain goats
- Black goats (Dagri)
- Dwarven Goats
- Snow-hoofs
- Wild Goats of Eriador
- Bocs
- Druggavar or Demon-rams
- Dun Goats
- Northern Goats
- Wild Goats of Rhovanion
- Fenrais (Tree-Goats)
- Fintonarki
- Grey Hill goats
- Wild goats of the Dagorlad
- Goats of Harad
- Dik-dik
- Wild Goats of Cénnacatt
- Easterling Goats
- Retrieved from Realms of Arda; original reference: [ICE MERP 2017], [ICE MERP 8109]