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Among all the Monsters of Morgoth, none bore greater infamy than Glaurung (S. "Golden One"), the Father of Dragons and the First of the Fire-drakes, a creature of immense power and malice, growing to nearly three hundred feet in length at his prime. Though he lacked the wings that would later define his mightiest descendants, Glaurung was no lesser a terror. His cunning was as great as his strength, his breath searing the earth, and his gaze binding minds in chains of despair.

As Morgoth's secret weapon in the war against the Elves, he was extremely successful, inspiring his creator to make more and even better Dragons. Brilliant but cruel, vain, and exceedingly rash, Glaurung destroyed many significant Elven and Mannish strongholds, ravished many landscapes and sealed the doom of the House of Húrin, before meeting his end at the hands of Túrin Turambar in the ravines of Cabed-en-Aras.


The precise origins of Glaurung remain uncertain. While it is known that he was the first dragon to emerge from Morgoth’s forges, conflicting accounts suggest that he may have been more than a mere beast of flesh and fire. Some claim that a fallen Maia, seduced by the Black Enemy, took form within the body of the Great Worm, giving him his unnatural intellect and power. Others argue that he was merely an extension of Morgoth’s own will, a fragment of his dark spirit given shape. Regardless of his genesis, Glaurung was the first and greatest of the Urulóki, setting the template for all dragons that followed, though none would ever rival his unique strength and malice.



According to MERP Iaurlóke the Old was the first "true Drake". He was born in Angband and sired Glaurung, the Father of Dragons and the first of the Fire-drakes, but Glaurung consumed him in an ireful duel less than a century later. This contradicts the legendarium which clearly states that Glaurung himskef was the first dragon.


  • Angruin
  • the Deceiver
  • The dragon-king
  • Father of Dragons
  • Fentor
  • The Foalókë
  • first of the Urulóki
  • The Fuithlug
  • Glómund
  • Glorund
  • Glórung
  • Glorunn
  • Glorunt
  • the Golden
  • the Gold-worm of Angband
  • the Great Worm
  • the Great Worm of Angband
  • Laurundo
  • Laurunto
  • Undolaurë
  • the Worm of Morgoth


  • MERP:Creatures of Middle-Earth
  • MERP:Middle-Earth Adventure Guidebook II