The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
Malgen (Misty Mountains)

A Gauradan

The Gaurdain or Wolf-men (Mb."Bleituirion", La."Susiväki") were a primitive and savage tribe of Men in the hills and mountains of northern Eriador or the southern Forodwaith. They were descendants of the original inhabitants of Eriador who had been driven out by the Númenoreans in the Second Age and therefore removed kinsmen of the Hillmen of Rhudaur, though their language seemed to be more closely akin to that of the Dunlendings and the ancestors of the Breemen. The Gaurdain were nomadic hunters and trappers and followed a strange kind of Wolf or Werewolf-Cult.There were rumors about them to actually be cannibals. They were rivals and principal enemies of the Lossoth of Forochel. Some of their clans had returned to Eriador in the late Third Age and moved into the lands around lake Evendim, the northern Misty Mountains and the northern Trollshaws.



LOTRO represents the language of the Wolfmen with real-world Cornish.


  • Original form in LOTRO:Gauredain = Gaurdain
  • Their large stature, dark hair and grey eyes hints to Adan ancestry. They may be kinsmen of the Beorians, and late descendants of the Arvandor of Eastern Eriador.
  • Both, Gauredain and Ungoledain were said to be the descendants of rogue men who had once stolen and abused the gift of skinchanging from the ancestors of the Beornings. The Arvandor too had a Shapeshifter-cult.
  • Both, the ancestors of the Beornings and the Arvandor were close kinsmen of the Edain of the house of Bëor the Old.
  • LOTRO's Gauredain seem to be inspired by the Easterlings of Uldor's Folk who were also known as the Wolf-folk and Turin's Outlaw band, the Gaurwaith, though both tribes connections to wolves were rather allegoric than real animal totemism.