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The New Notion Club Archives


Gargoyles (Q."Ulundar", S. "Gwaelrog") were mysterious and ancient creatures originally Monsters of Morgoth, summoned to life in the deep pits of Utumno and later revived by Sauron during his time as the Necromancer of Dol Guldur. Each Gargoyle was a unique monstrosity, crafted with individual shapes, powers, and purposes, often employed to guard strongholds, instill fear, or hunt the enemies of their masters.

These creatures were said to have been shaped from living stone, imbued with foul sorcery and animated by dark spirits of shadow and malice. Their grotesque and fearsome appearances made them resemble the stone demons of legend, inspiring fear even among the minions of Sauron. While most were creatures of darkness, there are old tales suggesting some became independent, wandering the deep places of the world or even attempting to resist the will of their makers.

Gargoyles were mentioned in the folk-tales of the Hobbits, particularly in legends surrounding the Western Borders of Mirkwood, suggesting that their ancestors may have encountered these creatures long ago.


In modern fantasy the term "Gargoyle" is often used in a historically wrong sense. Gargoyles actually are always "waterflows" or "gullets" while the beast- or demon-like figures and statues commonly associated with them are actually "grotesques" or "drolleries".Tolkien likely used the word in its original sense, as architectural features in old, gothic-like, buildings.
