Lórien was the name of the gardens and dwelling-place of the Vala Irmo, who was himself usually called Lórien.
Places of Nore[]
- Bed of Serinde
- Cottage of the Play of Sleep
- Estë's Garden
- Fairest of all gardens
- Fountains of renewal
- Irmo's Maze
- Lorellin
- Mist-halls of Irmo
- Murmuran or Mormaurien
- Pools of Estë
Este Irmo Melian Míriel Serindë Olorin
- Lhuien
- Lhuinen
- Luriel
- Lûrien
Read Sil 25,28,30,55.63-4, 93, 99-100. 234; UT253.397.