Galley usually referred to types of long, slender rowing-ships, usually with one or two masts, a length of 50-160 feet and 20-60 oars though some extremely large variants could reach lengths of up to more than 400 feet and have up to 120 oars.
The first Galleys were believed to have been the Celebrist-ships of the Elves, originally smaller ships they used for racing and occasional hunting, the Númenóreans took the Celebrist design and developed it into the larger Aercrist.The Aercrist was the best known and most legendary type of Galley and had been the great example for many later shiptypes.The Harani light Galley was still visably based on the Aercrist while northeastern designs such as the Feratley, Fhantley or Uerley were probably unrelated and based on older indigenious types.