The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

the Gái in Far-Harad

The Gái (Ap."Awe") was a great dry forest-area in the southeastern Bôzisha-Mîraz to the south or the Hills of the Moon.

A traditional settlement was found in the forest, the town was Tresti, or "Rock",named for the stone that built it. Tresti's citizens were almost all of pure Haradron descent and were a proud and powerful people.The Gái's eastern edge was haunted by the Pontil Nar tribesmen.

Though temperatures were as severe as in most of Far Harad, occasional rainfall and the Yug Velar or "South Wind" served to make the Gái somewhat more hospitable. Food and water Were available in ample amounts and the Kelvar of the wood were not hostile. It was as comfortable a region as one might hope to find in such a land which lay at a point where rare nighttime clouds blown over the mountains by stormwinds from the southern sea collided with the colder air of the desert night. The resulting collisions brought some twenty-five inches of rain to the grove each year and supported the tough, stunted trees that grew here.

The only seasonal fluctuation that was found was a shift in the rainfall that came to The Gái. Rainfall here tended to increase in the Summer months as the slopes of the southern sea grew more intense and carried rain across the barrier mountains.

Life among the tough trees of the Gái was not too different from what was found in the surrounding hills. The Bodezlist and the Noga both grew here, though less commonly and the animals of the hills wandered through the grove as well on occasion. However, the slightly higher annual rainfall and somewhat lighter winds that distinguished the region allowed for some unique living things to flourish here alone. As the grass of the hills thinned under the trees it was replaced by several types of low shrub. The trees were of three varieties, all relatively short and twisted as a result of the hardships with which they lived. Amongst these the ground was dotted with a great number of small,blooming plants from which moisture would bring forth an incredible profusion of colored petals,turning the grove into an enormous floral bouquet for a day or two after each rain.

Few breeds of animal were unique to the Gái,a region which frequently bore the burden of visitors from the hills. The special characteristics of the grove provided for animals whose needs would not be met elsewhere in Far Harad. The most plentiful of these were,of course, insects. The region swamrmed with many types, but none was considered a pest by the denizens of the region. All gained sustenance from plants and so were not inclined to bother people. Birds were also found among the trees in great abundance. Evening found the forest alive with beautiful birdsong as they prepared to roost for the night. Even the reptiles of the wood were no bother to their mannish neighbors. Several breeds of lizard and two sorts of snake were all non-poisonous and usually stayed away from man-made structures. Mammalian life was relatively limited in the Gái, as it was throughout all of Far Harad. Rodents and rabbits were found in fair numbers, hunted by a small desert fox known as Lisica. Beyond these, though, there was only one species native to the area, the Maymûn.

Places of Note:[]

Pontil Nar Wood-fort Tresti


Original form in MERP:Gaj
