The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Frôm (Unknown but most likely some time before Y.T. 1050/1100) was a mighty Warrior of the Blacklocks of Baruzkhizdîn. He was the father of Zrîm and grandfather of Brôv Grimfist. He was a keeper of the famed Southern Hammer (Narkbarath).


The Spelling of some Names was altered to move away from pseudo-old Norse Names, which represent the Language of northern Rhovanion and would have been unknown to the eastern Dwarves.

Original forms:

  • Brór - Brôv
  • Fröm - Frôm
  • Tumunmahal - Tumunamahal (replaced by Baruzkhizdîn)
  • Zrím - Zrîm