The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Originally from the shores of the Bay of Umbar, Forsothi (Ap? "?") was ever a wanderer. Her adventurous spirit led her north first, to the fens and green hills of Tharbad, then south aboard merchant ships to the ports of Bôzisha-Mîraz in the Gái, Gimileth and Arpel in the Dominions of the Seven, and finally Tûl Harár, the jewel of the Sîrayn.

She made her way as both an apothecary and rogue, and saw much of the influence of Númenor and its colonies. One colony and its effects stood stark in her mind, and she had been unable to shake the horror she felt when she watched the cities and towns along the coast of Tûlwang burning under the forces of the Anbalûkkhôri king. Now here in Kun Anyam, she saw the approach of those same forces from the west, and her anxious wanderlust had grown into resolute focus. Forsothi worked to turn back the tide of Khôrahil's Winds, away from the lands of the Sîrayn. Forsothi spent some of her time helping the sick and injured in Kun Anyam, working out of her small apartment south of the Zarait, and spent the rest of her time working with the secretive group known as The Caja. Few knew of her involvement with the Caja, and she herself never spoke of them.Forsothi

