Fornithilien | |
![]() First Sight of Ithilien by Ted Nasmith (ca. 2003) | |
![]() North Ithilien ca. T.A. 1640 (MERP) | |
Statistics | |
Other names | "North Ithilien" |
Type | Region; Royal Ward |
Location | Between Lower Anduin Vales, Ephel Dúath, Nindalf/Dagorlad, and Ithilduin (Morgulduin) |
Realm | Gondor (Ithilien) |
Ruler | (T.A. 1640) Queen Mirien of Gondor |
Inhabitants | Dúnedain, Ithilwaith |
Language(s) | Westron, Sindarin |
Summary | Original part of the personal royal demesne of Isildur |
Fornithilien (S. "North Ithilien") was the part of the Gondorian province of Ithilien north of the river Ithilduin (Morgulduin) and the hills of Emyn Arnen. It was covered by dense forest and rugged hills and canyons, in contrast to the more open, formerly widely agricultural regions and wide grasslands of Southern Ithilien.
Regions and Rivers[]
Aniant Anduin Cirith Negen Desolation Field of Cormallen Foothills of Ephel Dúath Ithilduin (Morgulduin) Ithilduin Vale Limdanthír Morgûl Vale Shores of the Anduin Taur Ithilien Vale of the Forbidden Pool
Places of Note[]
Adab Dolen Aelin Veren Amon Barad Aniant (Ithilien) Artamir's Grave Bâr Aroth Bâr Tarnaher Bridge of Ascarwing Cair Andros Camp of the Grey Host Crossroads Forbidden Pool Haerondir Henneth Annûn Mar Maliarnin Minas Ithil (Minas Morgul) Osgiliath Thargelon Thurindath Tombs of the Ascarwing Torngroth Uya Hujûm
Anborn Dornach Ereblen Faramir of Ithilien Golgolas of Ithilien Laeglaw Maendal Ognir Old Thalcos Rhadrog Thurindol Tordoron