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The New Notion Club Archives

Formenos above the Vale of Sirnúmen


Formenos (Q. "Northern Fortress") was the stronghold of Fëanor and his sons in the north of Valinor, built following Fëanor’s banishment from Tirion. The fortress became the seat of Fëanor’s exile in Noldomar and served as a gathering place for many of the Noldor who chose to follow him, including his father, Finwë, then King of the Noldor.

Places of Note[]

  • Armouries
  • Chamber of Iron
  • Feanor's Smithy
  • Fortifications of Formenos
  • Halls of Finwe
    • Finwe's Chamber of Stone
  • Older mines
  • Riverport
  • Treasury of the Noldor


Read Sil 71-2. 75. 79-80,127.
