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The New Notion Club Archives
Ford of Bruinen
Ford of Bruinen detail
Ford of Bruinen surroundings
Other names Ford of Bruinen, Ford of Rivendell/Imladris
Type Ford
Location Bruinen, Rhudaur, Eriador
Realm Rhudaur
Ruler Elrond
Inhabitants N/A
Language(s) N/A
Summary Ford across Bruinen on Great East Road

The Ford of Bruinen or Ford of Rivendell was a flat bed of gravel set in a deep canyon of the Bruinen river, a few miles southwest (downstream) from Rivendell. The flattening of the river-dale contributed to a usually low water level at this point, and a number of flat islets added theirs in making the Bruinen fordable for horses and even carts and wagons, though at times, and in case of severe weather or long periods of rain, the river still could be unpredictable, and sudden floods or a climbing of the water level could make the ford temporarily unpassable, especially in Fall or Spring. In addition, Elrond could command the waters of the Bruinen here to create, for example, a sudden overwhelming flood – as he famously did to stop the Nazgûl pursuing Frodo Baggins.

The ford carried the Great East Road across Bruinen, whilst to the northwest a small gorge led almost unseen to the secret path to Imladris.
