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The Royal Folde
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Royal Demesne
The Folde (Éo. "earth, land, country" or "bosom of the Earth"): An ancient and historic region of Rohan, near the King's Courts in Edoras, and which indeed held the original King's seat at the town of Aldburg (older Calenmîr). The Folde was part of the "King's Lands" (Royal Demesne) of Rohan.
The boundary of the Folde eastward was along the line of the Tiar Feaod, southwestward from the junction of the Snowbourn and Entwash to the White Mountains at Aldburg; the Eastfold was that part of Rohan from that line east to the Fenmark, between Entwash and the mountains.
Aldlád Everholt Harrowdale Snowbourn
Settlements and Points of Interest[]
Aldburg Dunharrow Edoras Everhold Underharrow Upbourn