The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

Fluithuin (Q. Ulbandi), known in the oldest legends as the Mother of Ogres (Or. Drangumâ), was a demonic Ogress of old, associated with Morgoth and the dark denizens of Utumno. Her origins were uncertain, and the lore of the Eldar, Edain, and Dwarves provided conflicting accounts, but all agreed that she was a creature of brute strength, vast hunger, and unnatural fecundity, from whom sprang the Sarqindi and Hongwir, the Great Ogres, a races of towering and brutal beings that haunted the edges of civilization in the Elder Days.

She was, according to some ancient whispers, a consort of Melkor, and some dark tongues even named her as the dam of Gothmog, the Lord of Balrogs, though this claim is highly disputed. Like Ungoliant, Fluithuin may have devoured herself in hunger, or she may still lurk beyond the circles of the World, waiting for Morgoth’s return in the Dagor Dagorath.


Said to be the mother of Gothmog, this ogress was not mentioned again by Tolkien in his later works. It should be noted that Fluithuin mirrors a lot of traits of Lilith, Medusa, or Grendal's Mother.Her race, the ogres, are referenced in the published Hobbit.Tolkien dropped the concept of Valar having children. This by no means means that incarnate Ainur couldn't have children as demonstrated by Ungoliant and Melian as they were both spirits embodied in a physical form.  
