Firienholt (Éo."Mountain-wood"; S."Eryn Fuir" = "North Wood"[1]), also called Firien Wood or Halifirien Wood, Whispering Wood, and Wood of Anwar (S: anwar means 'awe'), was a dense woodland in the Eastfold of Rohan on the border with Gondor. Firienholt skirted the foothills to the Mountain of Halifirien where an ancient Gondorian Beacon stood. In the vales lay the the Firien Wood Bridge and nearby was the Inn of Greys. Prior to the (re)settlement of the Gondorian province of Calenardhon by the Rohirrim in T.A. 2510, this forest was split between the Gondorian provinces of Anórien and Calenardhon.
- Labelled "Aron Ered" (S: "Wood [of] Mountain") on some of the ICE MERP maps. This name is a (probably incorrect) reverse translation into Sindarin of "Firienholt" = "mountain-wood".
- ↑ S. place name. North Wood
The original Sindarin name of Roh. Firien woods, appearing in a deleted section of Tolkien’s essay on “The Rivers and Beacon-hills of Gondor” (VT42/20). The name is translated “North Wood”, a combination of eryn “woods” and fuir “north”.’ Source: Eryn Fuir - Parf Edhellen: an elvish dictionary
- MERP: Calenhad - Beacon of Gondor