Finrod's Companions were a fellowship of ten veteran elven warriors of Nargothrond , deeply loyal to their king, who accompanied Finrod Felagund and Beren Erchamion on their Quest for the Silmaril.Their Quest however was doomed.A suicide mission to begin with Finrod wove a mighty spell of illusion which gave the twelve the outward appearance of an orc troop they had waylaid and wiped out, but Sauron's servants observed that a small orc-company was deviating from their marsh route and not reporting back at the supposed waystations.They could not pass Tol Sirion and were attacked by Sauron's forces.Finrod himself faced Sauron in a magic duel at the bridge of Tol Sirion but was thrown down.They and their companions were imprisoned in the tower of werewolves and one after another devoured by a giant Werewolf until only Finrod was left, wgo sacrificed himself to safe Beren's life.
Finrod's company included the ten finest warriors of Nargothrond:Enedrion, Edrahil, Gaurin, Guilin, Inglor, Loruin, Nargil, Ogbar, Rodrim and Saithnar (N)
In the Legendarium Finrods companions, beside Edrahil and Beren remain unnamed.