The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
"In their unrecorded past they must have been a primitive, indeed 'savage'people ..."

By the mid Second Age a number of clans of supposed Peryoasa descend had formed a loose tribal alliance and had begun moving towards the Westlands.They were dubbed Fasattâli (Av. "hairy feet") or Tilpîtir (Av."foot-walkers, pioneers") by the Avari and eventually adapted that term as a self-designation.They were a primitive, but peaceful and reclusive nomadic folk who had just started to learn bits of agriculture from the Entwives.Although they knew of the Big Folk, the Dwarves and the Elves they tended to stay largely among themselves and to shy away from other races.These pioneers included ancestors of the later Hobbits as well as other Halfling-kin such as the Nimblefingers, Piram and Gnollishs.They spoke a language which was related to the early Hildorin and still in many ways quite close to some of the more archaic western Avarin dialects.Although they were largely an illiterate people some of their wisemen had preserved bits of knowledge on early easterling glyphs. Their clans included the Bilnaimitîan (Fs."Proud fellow"-kindred), Brinditlin (Fs."Marchfoot" or "Highfoot" -kindred), Kîmalixi (Fs. "Wood-glade"-kindred), Linfimbi (Fs. "Bumbelly"-kindred), Miblipûl (Fs. "Big ram"-kindred), Nisilankwin (Fs. Meadowgrass-kindred'), Sippîan (Fs. "Burrower"-kindred), and Urwibini (Fs. "Bright apple"-kindred). During the great perils of the War of the Last Alliance the tribal federation was scattered with some clans, the direct ancestors of the Hobbits, moving onwards to Rhovanion while other groups fled to the South or returned to the East.


The Fasattâli were invented as a rationalisation of The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power's "Harfoots" or "Pioneers". As the Westron language did not yet exist in the Second Age, neither did the term "Harfoot" or most of their supposed personal and family names.Also this "Tribe" consists of clans of many, very different ethnicities, not only those who resemble the later Harfoot-Hobbits.
