Eriadorian Farmers
A Farmer is a person who grows and then harvests food.A Farmer may be a poor labourer, daytaler, Peon, thrall, serf, field-slave or bondsman or a well-to-do laird, squire or landowner.
The Noldor were an people of cultivators and had large, well tilled fields in the plains before Nargothrond or within the valley of Gondolin and passed over their knowledge to the Edain. The men of the east were said to have learned their agriculture from the Entwives.
Farmers of Renown[]
examples for farmers[]
- An Arnorian Tiller
- a barangil hoe-farmer of Far Harad or the utter south
- a black númenórean planter
- a Breeish Farmhand
- a bond-slave of Núrn
- a Cardolanian Freeholder
- a Dorwinron winemaker
- A Sotwort-Grower from the Tharbad Marshes
- a dunnish Jerl
- an easterling river-valley or oasis-farmer
- a dwarven subterranean gardener
- an Elven Cultivator (Altaró, Galor, Cemendur)
- an eriadorian Hlothram or cottager
- a gondorian Husbandman
- a Haradrim grower or Utarf
- A Hobbit Leaf-planter
- A manorial Lord
- a northron bóndi
- an orcish kuflag-thrall
- a Rohir Yeoman
In Rolemaster, Farmer is a playable profession.