The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

By the year T.A. 1974 things were looking very grim for the Dúnedain of Arnor. The Great Plague three hundred years previously had killed most of the people of Cardolan which later fell to the Witch-king. And even with the aid of Elves and Hobbits most of the now diminished and totally demoralized people of Arnor were now waiting to make their final stand at Fornost, capital city of Arthedain.

Not much is known about this battle, but it was one of the biggest battles that Angmar had to contend with as there were many factions besides Arnor to deal with. In the end though, the Witch King conquered Fornost and pillaged the kingdom.

Fall of Fornost

T.A. 1974
Good Factions
Arnor (with troops from Lindon, Imladris, Shire).
Evil Factions
Good Characters
Arnor: King Arvedui, Fíriel†, Aranarth, & Malbeth
Evil Characters
Good Numbers
No information
Evil Numbers
No information