The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives

In 1409 the Witch-King of Angmar led a great host across the river Hoarwell against the land of Cardolan, after being beaten back out of the lands of the Dúnedain many years before.

When the forces of Angmar reached Weathertop they besieged it, until they broke through. The attackers subsequently burned, then razed the fortress to the ground. King Arveleg I was killed, but some of the Dúnedain retreated and escaped with the Palantír that was stationed there.

Fall of Amon Sul

T.A. 1409
Good Factions
Evil Factions
Angmar, Rhudaur
Good Characters
Evil Characters
Good Numbers
No information
Evil Numbers
No information