
Falas (S."Sea-shore", Q."Falasse") was a serene and fertile land, nestled along the western coast of Beleriand, whose shores faced the vast waters of the Great Sea of Belegaer. It was the homeland of the Falathrim, the Sindarin Elves of the Coast. The Falathrim were ruled by the mariner-lord Círdan the Shipwright, one of the oldest and wisest among the Elven kind.
Two great rivers, the Brithon and the Nenning, flowed gently through the Falas, meeting the sea and nourishing its lands. Here, the Falathrim established two renowned havens: Brithombar, at the mouth of the Brithon, and Eglarest, at the mouth of the Nenning. These cities, like jewels upon the coast, were bastions of peace, trade, and craftsmanship, In later days elven king Finrod Felagund built the third settlement, tower of Barad Nimras (S."White Horn Tower") on a cape of the Falas between Twin Havens.
The Falas was settled by the Falathrim early in the history of Beleriand. These Elves were among the Sindar who chose to remain in Middle-earth rather than journey west to Aman. Under Círdan's leadership, they established the twin havens of Brithombar and Eglarest. Though largely peaceful, the Falas maintained strong ties with the other realms of Beleriand, particularly Nargothrond, whose lord, Finrod, aided the Falathrim in fortifying their havens.
The fortunes of the Falas changed dramatically after the catastrophic Nirnaeth Arnoediad (F.A. 472). Following Morgoth's overwhelming victory, his armies swept across Beleriand, systematically destroying the realms of the Elves and their allies. In F.A. 473, the havens of Brithombar and Eglarest were utterly destroyed.
Brithon Emyn Eglain Firth of Eglarest Forfalas Harfalas Nenning
Places of Note[]
Bar-i-Myl Barad Nimrais Brithombar Eglarest Ingolonde Mount Taras Vinyamar
Falathrim Lothlim
Aerandir Aranwë Arminas Cirdan the Shipwright Cirdor Eärendil Erellont Etharion Faervel Falathar Galdor of the havens Gil-galad Meril Thorobir Voronwë Aranwion
Read Sil 58, 93, 96- 211; UT33-4,51.
Boromir: "Is it not a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt for so small a thing? So small a thing!" - J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring II:10 |