Fairy Animals or Kelvafeär were magical Animals believed to have been Animals or Kelvar who had been elevated and taught by the Valar and - at last some of them - had been given some sort of Souls by Eru himself. These Creatures of Faerie however were different from the Maiar and were not the descendants of incarnate Ainur either.Different from these were shapeshifting Maiar or Spirits of Arda who did sometimes take the form of powerful animals, these however usually did nor reproduce, and such a thing was seen as a sign of corruption or even profanity among the Ainur and was practiced by Spirits corrupted by Morgoth, but not faithful servants of Illuvatar.
It is unknown if Dragons, Wargs and Werewolves were Kelvafeär but they were often believed to have been their offspring. Fairies were often thought of to take the forms of Adders or Worms, Dogs, Birds (especially Ravens, Crows,Blackbirds, Swans,Owls and Cuckoos), Cats, Butterflies, Deer and Harts, Cows or Bulls,Goats Lambs, Hares, Horses, Kraken, Ants, Snails, Pigs, Seals, Kraken, Salamanders and Toads.Fairy Animals were also often brought in conjecture with Witches and Shapeshifters
Known Fairy Animals[]
Individuals: Badger Brock Carc Gorgumoth Great Eagle Gwaihir Huan Landroval Miaule Meneldor Nahar Oikeroi Shelob Tevildo Thorondor Thuringwethil Uin Umuiyan Ungolianth Watcher in the Water White Cow
Groups: Badger Folk Bats of Mandos Catspirits Crows of Mandos Dogs of Angband Elfin Deer Elven Horses Elven Sheep Fairy Cattle Falcons of Manwe Falcons of Morgoth Ghost-moths Giant Octopus golden bees Golden Butterflies Great black bears Great Eagles Great Glow-worms Great Gulls Great Serpents Great swallows Great Swans of Ulmo Great Spiders Horses of the Valar Mouse Spirits Noble Hounds Owls of Mandos Owls of Morgoth Ravens of the North Shadowy Bats Wargs
Individuals: Arthorotur Badger-Bolack Bel-Bilinc Beorn Béor Cockatrice Eagoth Enna San Sarab Moss-back Pike the Great Ocean sun-fish Old river King Red Ruddy Ringed Serpent Tavir the Y'shar Tica
Groups: Black Dogs Cun Annun Druggavar Nimfiara The Ocean Sunfish Steardan Ulmo´s cursed creatures Unicorns Vilwarokkor
- Familiars
Original form: Kelfaen corrected to Kelvafeär