The New Notion Club Archives
The New Notion Club Archives
"At first, I thought Tathorang was white Ogamur, but I quickly realized my error when I first handled the stuff. Although it bends easily and has tremendous spring, it doesn't stretch. Tathorang is also extremely light, even lighter than Galnin, like wood or pumice. Because its ore is as white as chalk, weighs little, and is found below limestone intrusions, it is called "Shalk" in the Common Tongue. I saw some of the ore in the mines of the westernmost Fifth Deep and understand the comparison. The tremendous heat and cold used make the metal change its texture, yet it only enhances the white hue. Actually, more than one fellow I spoke with thinks it glows…" -Eldacil Camthalion of Andrath, Eldacil's diaries, last week of Cerveth, 1410

Tathorang (S.“Willow-iron”; W.“Tasarang”) was a very flexible and light enchanted alloy of chalk-white colour. It was also known as Fairy-Iron or Shalk (Shaalk).


  • MERP: Rulebook 2nd Edition