The Faerdorrim or Faerdorhoth were the inhabitants of Faerdor or Feotar, a barony in northeastern Cardolan.They were largely the descendants of indigenous Eriadorians and Northron Mercenaries who lived as Herdsmen and Freeholders in the South Downs and the southwestern Mitheithel vales. After the aroused populace had slain the last Hir of Faerdor, Gaertil the Bad, the Freeholders united under leadership of the former general Baumyakund as free cantons of Faerdor. The small state continued to exist until it was destroyed by a disastrous Orc-raid in T.A. 2270. A few of their descendants however survived and populated the lands of former Faerdor throughout the late Third Age. In the early Fourth Age the Herdsmen and scattered farmers reunited and supported the reign of King Elessar I.
In The Lord of The Rings Books[]
In the Lord of the Rings Books it is stated that no men had settled dwellings so far west or within a hundred leagues of the Shire. On the other hand Tolkien's notes for the Lord of the Rings state that Men lived in the South Downs, and when the Hobbits and Strider returned to Bree, men along the Great Greenway fled from the host of the Rangers. This might either indicate that these men might have been nomads, or at least that their settlements were small, thinly populated or unstable in comparison to Breeland and the shire.
Spelling corrected from Feotari to Faerdorrim according to Other Hands Issue 15 and 16 Supplement Arnor Name Glossary